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Let’s Discuss: Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn

Let’s Discuss: Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn

Discussion Questions for SHARKS IN THE TIME OF SAVIORS 
by Kawai Strong Washburn

Sharks in the Time of Saviors is the groundbreaking debut novel from Kawai Strong Washburn that folds the legends of Hawaiian gods into an engrossing family saga. The story centers around the supernaturally-gifted middle child of the Flores family, Nainoa, who experiences a series of mystifying and miraculous events. Each family member must grapple with the aftermath of these events and we witness as siblings Dean, Nainoa, and Kaui leave the islands behind to forge three, distinct paths on the mainland West Coast, driven in varying degrees by resentment towards fate and each other.

Below are some questions from our events and marketing associate Serena Morales to get your gears turning while you read or to discuss later with your book club, class, or friends (downloadable here). She’ll be chatting with Kawai Thursday April 2 on Instagram Live at 7pm EST so tune in at @booksaremagicbk.

  1. The book opens from the perspective of the mother, Malia, whose memories set the groundwork for the novel. How would you describe her attitude towards the early, supernatural events that shape the rest of the story? 

  2. As the narration shifts perspectives, what does each character add to your understanding of a modern Hawaiian family? 

  3. What is the significance of Dean’s basketball playing, Nainoa’s ukulele playing, and Kaui’s hula dancing, and later, rock climbing? 

    1. What do these activities reveal about each siblings’ respective attitude towards fate, family, and responsibility?

  4. There are several references to “old Hawai’i” or “old kings” throughout the novel—such as when Dean describes his arrival in Spokane, or when Kaui is describing the Hawaiian community in San Diego—how does each character view their relationship to Hawaiian culture and traditions? How does tragedy and/or poverty influence this relationship? 

  5. Both Dean and Kaui describe their initial encounters with American mainlanders, in which they are confronted with Hawaiian stereotypes. How does Washburn’s depiction of the typical, modern Hawaiian family compare with other representations of Hawaiians in media or literature?

  6. The story not only shifts in perspective, but in place—what do these various settings/cities signify to each character? 

  7. How does Kaui’s relationship with Van, Hao, and Katarina, compare to Nainoa’s relationship with Khadeja and Rika? 

  8. In Chapter 16, Malia says: “If a god is a thing that has absolute power over us, then in this world there are many.” What are the “gods” of this book?

  9. There are two incidents in the book in which Dean attempts to save Nainoa—first, with the sharks, and later, in Waipi‘o Valley—and one in which he saves Kaui. Each time he is met with resistance. What do these various incidents relay about how sacrifice, saviorship, and kinship operate in this novel?

  10. What does “Sharks In The Time of Saviors” mean? Does your interpretation change as the plot unfolds? 

  11. Augie, the father, is the only family member whose perspective we don’t get—except briefly, at the very end—though some of the final events center around him. How does his role relate to the overarching themes of the novel? 

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